Family Handbook

Our Handbooks are updated regularly to keep you up to date with a brief summery our main policies and procedures. If you have any questions or queries that are not answered in the handbooks please contact the centre and we will be happy to clarify.  Please note that policies and procedures are reviewed and changed regularly.  For up to date policies we ask families to refer to our online communication App "Educa".

Family Handbook for children attending Long Day Care

Family-Handbook_2024 General.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 935.8 KB

 Kinder Family Handbook

Kinder Family-Handbook_2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 773.3 KB

BusH Kinder

Our kindergarten groups have the opportunity to take part in our offsite bush kinder program throughout terms two and three.  Bush kinder runs once a week for both the 3year old and 4 year old group each term and we alter the day for each term to allow as many children as possible to have access to their program on their scheduled kinder day.

Bush Kinder Handbook 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 913.3 KB